
During a Time of Crisis, Digital Advertising and Marketing are Critical

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Michiko Morales

During the COVID-19 pandemic, every business is being challenged. But digital marketing and advertising can be leveraged to increase efficiency and continue filling the sales pipeline while ensuring a solid return on investment.

During this difficult time, there are several things tech companies need to be doing as normal business activities are cut back due to health concerns. Although business for most is anything but normal, tech companies need to know how to adapt to “the new normal” and pivot their marketing strategy, even when budgets are limited.

Below are five opportunities that COVID-19 presents for digital marketing.

Harness the growth in content consumption

Content consumption has grown exponentially since the initial coronavirus lockdown in March. News media outlets and social media websites have seen the most dramatic growth. As a marketer, you should be identifying gaps in your industry, producing relevant content for your audience and giving it away for free. Now is a prime opportunity to focus on establishing yourself as a thought leader during a vulnerable time and be a guiding light for your audience.

Virtualize your events

With little to no travel occurring, that event budget has to go somewhere, right? The good news is that webinars, virtual conferences and live streams are here to stay. Learn how to run them successfully, but don’t forget the pre-event and post-event marketing campaigns. A virtual event is a part of the sales funnel, not an end in itself. Learn how to spot your most engaged attendees and don’t be afraid to reach out and pitch them.


Vendors and product companies would rather give you a few months for free or reduce your subscription fees than permanently lose you as a customer. Don’t be afraid to negotiate and ask for a break. Everybody is in this together and it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Be responsive to change

With COVID-19, the sales and marketing paradigm has shifted dramatically and permanently. If you’re going out with the same messaging and campaigns that worked before the pandemic, you risk appearing tone-deaf. It’s important to keep your ears and eyes open to what’s happening in the world, pay attention to how circumstances have changed for your prospects and customers and give them what they need. Don’t be afraid to pivot services and offerings, change promotions and re-examine your productization and pricing.

Be of service

It’s simple – just give back and be helpful. Don’t be afraid to give some things away for free if it’s not going to cost you much. Be generous and be of service during this time. You will not only generate good will and positive word of mouth but more people will check out your offerings and may ultimately decide to become customers.

Need help finetuning your digital marketing and advertising campaigns, or launching new ones? Contact us today!

From the Blog

Michael Tebo