Author: Michiko Morales

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Michiko Morales

It wasn’t so long ago that I started my career as a public relations professional. To be honest, it feels like yesterday that I walked into this office, full of confidence for my interview. Public Relations is a great career path for a variety

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Michiko Morales

Did you know Americans work more than workers in any other industrialized country? Born and raised in Japan, I was taught to believe that the Japanese worked the longest hours, but that is not the case anymore. The fact is, Americans work the longest

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Michiko Morales

In 1971 Edward Bernays, the father of public relations said, “Public relations, effectively used, helps validate an underlying principle of our society–competition in the market place of ideas and things.” Fast forward 35 years, and that same philosophy still holds true in modern day

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Michael Tebo

Picture this: A user of your new on-demand service just posted a story to her blog about a terrible experience, and major media outlets are now reporting on the story. Someone discovered your app is inadvertently making users’ private information public, and now they’re

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Michiko Morales

Let’s face it – as PR professionals, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to cross off every item on our growing to-do lists. Even when falling into a routine and thinking we have a good handle on our workloads, our jobs are

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Michiko Morales

The “Gig Economy,” or the on-demand “sharing” economy, provides so many new ways for consumers to obtain the services they need, while creating even more opportunities for entrepreneurial spirits. Companies like Uber, Online Owls and Handy have embraced this new age of service and

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Michiko Morales

There’s no crash course on preparing for the real world after college (might I add, there should be). It’s pretty much trial by fire – you’re either ready or you’re not. If you would have asked me months ago – right after I graduated

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Owning a small business or helming a startup venture often means juggling more tasks and responsibilities than you bargained for. As a boutique integrated communications firm working with numerous high-growth business clients on a daily basis, we see those struggles time and time again.

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Michiko Morales

If you’re anything like me (and I can’t help that I’m so popular), you know the significance of October 3rd. It’s a celebration of all that is good and fetch in this world: Mean Girls. But there’s another holiday on October 3rd that’s worthy

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Collaboration is a hot topic among managers and business owners alike these days. From the rise of social intranets to an increase in workspaces designed specifically with collaboration in mind, the quest for a more integrated and teamwork-driven workforce is at the forefront of