All About That Data: The Role of Analytics in Marketing


From social media intelligence to the Internet of Things, innovation in data science is helping companies across all industries personalize services, provide real-time insights and gain a competitive advantage. Even The White House got into the action, appointing its first ever Chief Data Scientist (CDS) earlier this year. In fact, a couple years ago the […]

Are You for Gender Equality? Ban These Words from Your Vocabulary


While most Americans — men, boys, women and girls — would never classify themselves as misogynistic or purveyors of injustice and inequality between the sexes, it remains quite clear that our society is plagued by silent prejudice against women. This is easily observable in the objectification of women, the prevalence and acceptance of sexual assault […]

A Growing Agency’s Biggest Challenge: Scaling Project Management


We’ve been lucky at Gabriel Marketing Group (GMG). We’ve grown quickly and steadily, year over year. To be clear, I don’t say that to brag about our success – a lack of humility is a sure fire “jinx” in my worldview, where superstition and dread are often far too present for idleness or over confidence. […]

Super Bowl Commercials: Puppies, Coca Cola and Marketing Trends


As another Super Bowl comes and goes, and Americans spend their day celebrating (or crying over) another win for the Patriots, marketers and PR buffs alike are discussing more important things than that last Seahawks play (which clearly should have gone to Lynch for the run). We’re talking Super Bowl ads. A commercial during this […]

Collaboration: A Trending Topic for Success in 2015


Strong companies are successful because of a) people they have working together toward unified goals and b) how those people work together to reach said goals. Effective communication and teamwork is absolutely essential to running a prosperous company, and collaboration seems to be the trending topic as of late for techies, marketers, enterprises and small […]

Four Tips for Effectively Using LinkedIn as a Marketing Tool


According to a report by Hubspot, 43% of marketers found customers through LinkedIn in 2013. Even more surprising, was the finding that LinkedIn has the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate out of any social media sites. With LinkedIn growing (at an approximate rate of two new members per second) these numbers are only likely to increase, […]

Now Usually We Don’t Do This, But…

Here at Gabriel Marketing Group, we’re not typically ones to brag. But as recent events would have it, we’re finding modesty a little more difficult than usual. That’s why we’re taking this opportunity not only to give ourselves a pat on the back, but to also congratulate all of the incredibly hard work and dedication […]

Tech Innovation in the Nation’s Capital


Washington, D.C. is becoming a hotbed for innovation. And as a technology marketing company in the Nation’s Capital, the GMG team had the privilege of hanging out with creators of some of the coolest up-and-coming products on the market at last week’s Product Hunt DC Meet-up. In an effort to showcase some of the best […]

We are Women, Hear us Roar!


Who run the world? Girls. And today marks the launch of a global movement to celebrate, empower, and support female entrepreneurs worldwide – Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. An unparalleled leader in female entrepreneurism every year from 2014 and beyond, Women’s Entrepreneurship Day stars as a leading force for growth and change for women and their businesses. […]

Giving Kids’ Entrepreneurism a Kick Start


Children’s books are always a great way to teach little ones important life lessons. Whether it’s a lesson in sharing, standing up for what you believe in, or being a good friend, we all have our favorites from childhood. But what about the book that teaches upcoming generations about the spirit of entrepreneurship and the […]