Social Media in 2013: Where Are We Going?


We’ve all been there. As a hotbed for startups, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurs, there is no shortage of networking events to attend in DC. However, as many a young professional will lament, a fair amount of these events take the form of networking breakfasts. As in before work. And because I am familiar with the […]

College Rankings: What’s the True Value?


College students across the nation are gearing up to return to their respective universities. At the same time, high school seniors are also beginning the grueling process of applying to college, as schools begin to release applications for next fall. Earlier this month, Forbes Magazine released its annual report on the top 650 colleges in […]

Snips and Snails, and Puppy Dogs’ Tails… and Email Marketing?


As a mom-to-be, I have had a whole new world opened up to me recently. One that I had heard existed, but until now I had no real reason – or need – to explore. Yes, I’m talking about the world of pregnancy marketing. Even just a few years ago when some of my girlfriends […]

5 PR Lessons I Learned From My Internship


One thing I’ve learned this summer is that time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was beginning my first day as an intern here at Gabriel Marketing Group (GMG). Over the course of the last three months, I’ve picked up a few lessons from working in the public relations field that I’d like to […]

Grace Under Pressure: A Lost Art?


Whether or not you get into all the hype surrounding the 2012 Summer Olympics now underway in London, unless you’re made of stone, you have to appreciate the stories about triumph and perseverance, and the huge smiles on the faces of these athletes as we the viewers get to witness them fulfilling their lifelong dreams. […]

At the Core of Apple: Customer Experience


I bring you this blog post in the hopes of a temporary ceasefire in an epic battle that has been raging for over 30 years. Both sides are passionate about what they believe in, and are as similar as they are different. Yes, you may have guessed it; I’m talking about Mac users v. PC […]

Heat Tweet


The aftermath of last Friday night’s intense storm left residents of DC, Maryland and Virginia in a state of utter chaos this week.  With more than 1,200,000 residents left without power, many A/C deprived locals turned to social media to voice their irritations. Using social media monitoring tool Social Radar, we conducted a brief analysis […]

3 Lessons Every Marketing Pro Can Learn from Game of Thrones


I have a confession (ok an obsession). And though I know I’m not alone in this, it still took me a while to publicly admit that I, too, am addicted to “Game of Thrones.” In case you’ve been living in the Dark Ages (pun intended for all my fellow thronies), “Game of Thrones” is an […]

A Sports Fan’s Guide to Blogging


As GMG’s resident sports freak, I often find myself relating real-life situations to those I’ve encountered as an athlete or as a fan (ahem, Redskins). From the preparation before the big game, to the way you portray yourself afterwards at the press conference, being involved in a sport, at any level, takes creativity, leadership and […]

#Hashtag #Overload


We’ve all had that experience–you know, the one where on a completely random day you look in the mirror and realize that you’ve highlighted your hair just one too many times, left that teeth whitening strip on for just 15 minutes too long, that five o’clock shadow has crossed the line from sexy to caveman–and […]