Category: Blog

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Michiko Morales

Hello and welcome to 2014! All of us here at GMG are absolutely ecstatic about the New Year. It has already proven itself to be a year of growth and we could not be more excited to see what else is in store us!

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Michiko Morales

The year is coming to a close, which means it’s the time of recaps, resolutions and predictions. For Gabriel Marketing Group, 2013 was a year of growth. We grew our team; we grew our client base and tripled the number of our office plants.

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Michiko Morales

Happy Holidays, everyone! It’s the most wonderful time of the year and everyone seems to be getting into the holiday spirit – even the corporate world. So, in honor of our love of all things marketing and public relations I’d like to give a

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Michiko Morales

This morning I woke up to a slightly snowy Virginia and a complete, complex-wide power outage. We’re talking no power, no heat, no hot water and (GASP!)…NO INTERNET. My first concern was for all of the food I have stored in my freezer and

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Do you remember a time before social media? I don’t. That’s because I was born after 1985 and I am officially part of the “millennial generation.” As Turkey Day rapidly approaches, the folks over here at Gabriel Marketing thought it would be fun to

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Michiko Morales

A couple weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend a PRSA conference at NPR’s brand new headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C. Not only was the location for the panel discussion an awesome place to spend my Wednesday morning, the insight I gained from

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Michiko Morales

Alright, it’s true. Social media is here to stay. STOP THE PRESSES! Never mind, you don’t even need “presses” anymore. (What are presses anyway?) And why? Because of social media, that’s why. Some social channels may come and go (remember Friendster?) but social connectedness

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Gabriel Marketing Group

If the title didn’t make it glaringly obvious – I’m thirsty for beer! But stay with me here because there are also a couple of things I think we can learn about marketing from my thirst and consequent waxing nostalgic over the Golden Road

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Michiko Morales

Halloween – the one night of the year when you can transform yourself into anything you want to be. Get a little creative, get a little weird! Just like every year, I was so incredibly impressed with some of the costumes I saw out

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Gabriel Marketing Group

As technology continues to infiltrate every aspect of our lives, it’s important for businesses to find natural ways of fitting seamlessly into their customers’ lives without being intrusive. It’s easier than ever for businesses to interrupt and disrupt people throughout their day, but this