Category: Blog

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Gabriel Marketing Group

The onslaught of negative news-related information that hits us every minute of every day can be overwhelming. With every iPhone notification, sensational blog post, and scrolling television news ticker blaring out bad news, it can seem like nothing is going right in our country,

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Today is the first day of summer! Go outside and take a moment to celebrate. When you’ve sufficiently reveled in the arrival of this glorious season, I’ll be here. Ready? Ok, so as we’ve established, today is the first day of summer. You know

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Being 25, I’ll admit that it’s not often that I think about old age. However, living and working in the DC area, it’s hard not to keep up with the latest news about Social Security, Medicare, and all of the other issues that our

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Gabriel Marketing Group

First off, since this is my first blog post for GMG, I thought I would share how thrilled I am to be working with Leah and her team.  I have known Leah for quite some time and have always been extremely impressed with both

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Facebook has once again announced major changes to the network. This time, focusing on the news feed. What’s different? In short: bigger images, multiple feeds, and a clean, mobile-inspired design. What do these changes mean for brands and marketers? While it’s unclear yet exactly

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Gabriel Marketing Group

The Oscars may come around only once a year for film’s biggest stars, but the media chatter in the days and weeks following the Oscars can be especially telling for the rest of us–especially PR professionals. What PR lessons can we take away from

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Here at GMG, we work with emerging technology companies on a regular basis, and having immersed ourselves in the tech startup world long ago, we’re well acquainted with Kickstarter, the startup that helps other startups raise funds for their ideas. Kickstarter is a platform

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you lovers and friends out there–whether you’re single, blissfully in love, or somewhere in between, this is a day dedicated to showing the love. And as marketers, we pride ourselves in being Valentine’s Day aficionados because, while we might

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Are you familiar with foodstagramming? You know, when people at restaurants snap photographs of food–be it an artfully arranged stack of macaroons or an especially well-plated entrée–and upload the pics to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Even if you didn’t know the term, most people

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Have you seen Microsoft’s new commercial? Dubbed “Child of the 90s,” it is especially worth the minute and a half of viewing time if you, like me, were in fact a child of the 90s. The opening text flashes on the screen: “You might