Category: Blog

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Gabriel Marketing Group

GMG has been awarded seven of the top prizes at the 2021 MarCom Awards, an annual international awards program that recognizes excellence in marketing and communication!  The three Platinum and four Gold 2021 MarCom Awards are important testaments to our team’s strategic, client-centric content

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Gabriel Marketing Group

We’re excited to welcome Amy Wick to our growing team! As senior vice president of operations, in her role, Amy will direct, coordinate and oversee all GMG operations activities and ensure the development and implementation of sustainable operations to meet our organization’s growth strategy.

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Michiko Morales

If you’re a B2B company, should bounce rates be considered one of your marketing KPIs? The simple answer is no, it should not be.  But before we explain why, let’s first consider what bounces and sessions mean to one another.  Bounces vs. Sessions Website

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Michiko Morales

The world may seem like it’s in chaos – that’s because, well, it is. Whether it’s social, economic or political, strife in nearly every aspect of life feels like it’s at a critical mass. Over just the past decade, we’ve gone through unprecedented turmoil

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Michiko Morales

Have you ever driven a car out of alignment? It’s not a fun ride. You’re constantly pulling the steering wheel to one side and then overcorrecting just to stay in a straight line toward your destination. The constant tension eventually wears your tires out,

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Michiko Morales

Peanut butter and jelly. Pancakes and syrup. Gin and tonic. Some iconic duos are so inextricably linked that you rarely acknowledge the parts, only the sum. It’s just a fact of life that some things are simply better together. PR and Marketing are no

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Michiko Morales

Are you spending a large percentage of your marketing budget on digital advertising but you just aren’t generating the ROI and deals your organization needs? For many organizations with this challenge, the answer is simply that they aren’t following a few very important steps.

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Gabriel Marketing Group

On Fri., Sept. 10, at Digital Summit Washington, D.C. 2021, GMG CEO Leah Nurik will present, “Telling Authentic Stories in an Age of Distrust,” a 30-minute, TED-style talk that will reveal the keys to rebuilding trust and conveying authenticity in marketing communications. As fake

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Gabriel Marketing Group

GMG has been awarded two of the top prizes at the 2021 dotCOMM Awards, an annual international awards program that recognizes excellent use of web and digital technology tools in marketing!  The twin dotCOMM Awards wins are important testaments to our team’s creativity and

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Michiko Morales

Our B2B clients ask us often about whether they should be using Facebook for their digital advertising and marketing. Your technology business does not need Facebook. There, we said it. Unless you’re aiming to make your grandma proud of the organization you’ve built and