
Pivoting Your PR Strategy for Today’s Digital Age

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Leah Nurik

Take a deep dive into how PR must evolve amidst declining traditional media influence and rising digital consumption.

Over the last few years, the media landscape has undergone a seismic shift primarily driven by rapid technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. Traditional public relations (PR) is being redefined in this new era, and it’s compelling PR professionals – and their clients – to adapt and rethink their strategies. 

This blog post explores these changes, their impact on traditional PR practices and how clients should view the role of their PR partners today.

The Shift in the Media Landscape

Americans are increasingly turning away from traditional media sources for their news consumption. A 2023 Pew Research Center survey found that 58% of American adults prefer using digital devices to get news, significantly higher compared to television (27%), radio (6%) and print publications (5%). This preference is especially pronounced among younger people, with 83% aged 18-29 primarily using digital devices for news. 

The rise of digital media has been the most profound change affecting B2B companies. Traditional media outlets, once the primary channels for press releases and corporate news, now compete with various digital platforms, from industry blogs to social media networks. This fragmentation has made it more challenging to reach target audiences effectively. Further, the speed at which information spreads in the digital era means that news cycles are faster and more unpredictable. B2B companies must now react quickly to news and trends, which demands a more agile PR strategy in news cycles that demand immediacy and relevance.

Fewer Press Releases

Press releases, once a staple for announcing new products or services, play a much smaller role in today’s media landscape due to several key factors. First, the sheer volume of press releases flooding journalists’ inboxes each day makes it challenging for any single announcement to stand out. Reporters face an overwhelming amount of information, making it difficult for press releases to capture their attention unless they are exceptionally compelling or from a well-known brand.

Second, the media landscape has shifted significantly with the rise of digital media and social media platforms. Journalists and news outlets are now more likely to focus on stories that generate immediate online engagement, which are not typically the strengths of traditional press releases. Today’s 24-hour news cycle and constant demand for fresh content make immediacy and engagement more valuable to the media than formal announcements. While still important, press releases are often more transactional and focus primarily on a company’s offerings rather than the broader context of the industry. Today’s focus has shifted from merely announcing news to providing value through insightful analysis and thought leadership that resonates with the target audience. Press releases are still important as a matter of public record, but there should not be any expectations by clients that press releases alone will generate news coverage.

More Contributed Articles

Newsroom employment in the U.S. has significantly declined, especially in newspapers. Between 2008 and 2020, the overall number of newsroom employees dropped by 26%, according to the Pew Research Center. This decline has been particularly stark in newspaper newsrooms, which saw a 57% reduction in their workforce over the same period. Newsrooms with fewer staff members mean more and more media outlets are seeking contributed articles from outside sources to cover a wide range of topics and fill in missing content, which helps save money. These outside articles add different kinds of content and expert knowledge, letting newsrooms cover specific areas in detail and keep up with competitors. 

Contributed articles are increasingly seen as more valuable than product announcements because they allow companies to establish their executives as thought leaders who demonstrate expertise in their industry. By addressing broader topics, trends and challenges, companies can present themselves as knowledgeable leaders and reliable consultants. These articles engage readers with compelling narratives, real-world examples and case studies, fostering trust and credibility with potential clients and peers. Contributed articles also offer opportunities for backlinking and social sharing, amplifying a company’s reach and influence.

Third-Party Validation

Awards programs play a key role in modern PR strategies by providing external validation and enhancing a company’s reputation. Winning industry awards is not just a recognition, but a powerful endorsement of a company’s excellence and leadership. Receiving awards from reputable organizations instantly enhances a company’s credibility, signaling to clients, partners and stakeholders that the company is a leader in its field. These awards help grease the wheels of the sales cycle, automatically breaking down roadblocks and objections with third-party validated credibility.

Award wins often attract media coverage, providing valuable publicity to amplify a company’s message, highlight its achievements to a broader audience and potentially attract new clients and business opportunities. Being recognized with awards can also significantly boost employee morale, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment and enhance recruitment efforts by positioning the company as an attractive place to work. 

Greater Emphasis on Measuring PR Impact

At a time when budgets are increasingly constrained amidst a growing need for accountability and tangible returns on investment in the digital age, companies are more focused than ever on ensuring that every dollar spent on PR is justifiable. That’s why knowing how to effectively quantify and communicate the value of PR to CEOs, executives and board members is essential. 

A data-driven approach in PR involves leveraging advancements in data analytics and the availability of sophisticated, proprietary tracking tools to provide clients with more precise and comprehensive data to assess the effectiveness and true impact of their PR campaigns. This approach enables clients to understand how PR activities influence sales, demand generation, brand perception, customer engagement and ultimately business outcomes. 


Today’s digital age demands a strategic pivot in PR practices. As traditional media’s influence wanes, PR programs must embrace a more dynamic approach, focusing less on conventional press releases and more on creating engaging, insightful content that resonates with digital-native audiences. Contributed articles, thought leadership, awards and third-party validations, which establish credibility and create trust, are crucial components of effective PR strategies today. Further, the ability to measure the impact of PR activities through sophisticated data analytics is becoming indispensable, enabling businesses to justify their PR investments with tangible results. 

If we can help your PR program pivot, please schedule a consultation here.

From the Blog

Leah Nurik