
5 Signs Your Tech Company is Botching PR

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Michiko Morales

You’re driven. This could be your first or your twenty-first tech gig. Maybe you’re a founder, a CEO, a CTO or the next unicorn. Like most business leaders or entrepreneurs, you’ve visited the trenches, probably been down and out, stressed about the next payroll

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Michiko Morales

When we were kids, summer was the best time of the year: School was out, you got to go to camp, hang out with your friends and, best of all, no homework! While summer doesn’t have quite the same appeal as adults, it’s still

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Michiko Morales

One of the most challenging aspects of running a company is hiring and retaining great employees. So how do organizations around the globe do it? For any business large or small, keeping A+ players for the long haul all boils down to corporate culture.

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Gabriel Marketing Group

If it were possible to do something for free that would ultimately give you substantial return, wouldn’t you invest time into it? With more than 665 million daily active users on Facebook and over 500 million registered users on Twitter, companies can’t afford to

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Michiko Morales

Journalists and PR professionals go together like peas and carrots (thanks, Forrest) – or at least we should. After all, without the media, where would public relations pros be? And conversely, journalists would have to do a bit more legwork without a little PR push

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Michiko Morales

Twenty minutes.  That’s how long it takes a story to break in today’s ever-connected world. With Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the Internet at large, what used to be a two- to three-hour delay before a story hit is now down to the length of

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Michiko Morales

This week, we’re launching an “Influencer Interview” series that will periodically take a closer look at leaders and trailblazers in the high technology and high-growth company fields. We knew we wanted the first Influencer Interview to be special, and I couldn’t think of a

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Michiko Morales

My introduction to PR came from Samantha Jones. Her job was certainly fabulous – going to parties, meeting celebrities, wearing expensive (and revealing) clothes and drinking cosmos. Of course, PR isn’t always like this. Mostly. There are plenty of myths about PR out there

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Michiko Morales

A company’s public reputation has a direct impact on its bottom line. When the BP oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, the company was hit with an unbelievable amount of negative press, resulting in irreparable damage to the BP brand.

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Michiko Morales

It’s my favorite time of year – summer blockbuster movie season. I should be ashamed of how much I spend on movie tickets, popcorn and kiddie pool-sized sodas during Hollywood’s High Holy Season. The sum could probably put my non-existent children through a cushy

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Powering B2B Lead Generation with Great Service

Budgets matter. It matters when you spend your dinner budget just as much as it does your annual marketing and PR budget. Spend that budget in the wrong place and you’ll leave with a bad taste in your mouth. Or worse – someone goes hungry.

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Tech Startup PR in Six Basic Steps

You’ve got a whiz-bang product that will shake up the market. You’ve got a new round of funding to keep the lights on and the company growing. You’ve got a great executive team and talented employees. Now all you need is to establish the brand’s

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Six Steps to a Million-Dollar Tech Marketing Plan

Studies have shown that half of all ventures fail within five years for reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the product they’re selling. Usually the cause is tied to a lack of operational funding, including the marketing budget. Yet shoveling cash

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Why Video Provides Great ROI in Tech Marketing

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth many times more than that. And when used creatively in marketing, a video is also worth big bucks. Digital consumption trends have shifted heavily toward video over the past six years. According to eMarketer,

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Top 4 Technology PR Trends to Watch in 2018

Public relations has always been about developing relationships with media influencers and telling clients’ stories to the right audiences in a positive way. It still is – and recent strides in technology bolster these efforts with detailed industry, outlet and audience analytics. PR agencies are

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