
Mythbusters: PR Edition – Hint: It’s Not Like TV

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Michiko Morales

My introduction to PR came from Samantha Jones. Her job was certainly fabulous – going to parties, meeting celebrities, wearing expensive (and revealing) clothes and drinking cosmos. Of course, PR isn’t always like this. Mostly. There are plenty of myths about PR out there

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Michiko Morales

A company’s public reputation has a direct impact on its bottom line. When the BP oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, the company was hit with an unbelievable amount of negative press, resulting in irreparable damage to the BP brand.

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Michiko Morales

It’s my favorite time of year – summer blockbuster movie season. I should be ashamed of how much I spend on movie tickets, popcorn and kiddie pool-sized sodas during Hollywood’s High Holy Season. The sum could probably put my non-existent children through a cushy

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Michiko Morales

A couple of weeks ago, I received a Facebook message from an old colleague of mine asking if we are hiring. He was recommending his former intern for a junior-level position. I immediately messaged him back that we are hiring and said I wanted

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Michiko Morales

As the age-old saying goes, “Momma always knows best!” Fast-forward a few years and, looking back now as an adult, it’s funny just how true this statement is. From the lessons taught in our early elementary years to the “how to do your own

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Michiko Morales

We’ve all heard it before, “A picture’s worth a thousand words.” As true as these words were years ago, they take on a new – and perhaps more literal and potentially even more important – meaning in the digital age. Photo sharing has become

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Michiko Morales

I can still remember the first “big girl” book I ever received – Beverly Cleary’s Ramona Quimby, Age 8. That little book sparked a lifelong fascination with stories, stories that I’m still eager to absorb today as both a reader and a consumer. A

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Gabriel Marketing Group

You might not have heard of it, but the Zeigarnik effect is a phenomenon that all of us have experienced and one that drives our desire to cross things off our to-do lists. It describes how people become fixated on an open task until

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Michiko Morales

People are constantly checking their social feeds – whether Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or Facebook – to communicate with friends or share new pictures and funny quotes. As a technology PR company, we use social media to not only promote our clients and ourselves, but

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Michiko Morales

We’ve all been there. It’s 5 p.m. on a Friday night, and you’re busting your hump to meet a deadline – or coordinating with a client to make sure that they meet the deadline – and you feel like the world is crashing down

From the Blog


Six Steps to a Million-Dollar Tech Marketing Plan

Studies have shown that half of all ventures fail within five years for reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the product they’re selling. Usually the cause is tied to a lack of operational funding, including the marketing budget. Yet shoveling cash

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Why Video Provides Great ROI in Tech Marketing

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth many times more than that. And when used creatively in marketing, a video is also worth big bucks. Digital consumption trends have shifted heavily toward video over the past six years. According to eMarketer,

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Top 4 Technology PR Trends to Watch in 2018

Public relations has always been about developing relationships with media influencers and telling clients’ stories to the right audiences in a positive way. It still is – and recent strides in technology bolster these efforts with detailed industry, outlet and audience analytics. PR agencies are

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