
Enduring PR lessons from This Year’s Oscars

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Gabriel Marketing Group

The Oscars may come around only once a year for film’s biggest stars, but the media chatter in the days and weeks following the Oscars can be especially telling for the rest of us–especially PR professionals. What PR lessons can we take away from

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Here at GMG, we work with emerging technology companies on a regular basis, and having immersed ourselves in the tech startup world long ago, we’re well acquainted with Kickstarter, the startup that helps other startups raise funds for their ideas. Kickstarter is a platform

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you lovers and friends out there–whether you’re single, blissfully in love, or somewhere in between, this is a day dedicated to showing the love. And as marketers, we pride ourselves in being Valentine’s Day aficionados because, while we might

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Are you familiar with foodstagramming? You know, when people at restaurants snap photographs of food–be it an artfully arranged stack of macaroons or an especially well-plated entrée–and upload the pics to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Even if you didn’t know the term, most people

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Have you seen Microsoft’s new commercial? Dubbed “Child of the 90s,” it is especially worth the minute and a half of viewing time if you, like me, were in fact a child of the 90s. The opening text flashes on the screen: “You might

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Super Bowl viewer or not, you’ve probably heard about the 35-minute power outage (and subsequent game delay) that occurred at the start of the second half of the game last night. While much of the chatter speculated on whether or not Beyonce’s performance literally

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Anna Burns Welker, the wife of the New England Patriots’ wide receiver Wes Welker, recently lashed out at Ray Lewis via Facebook after the Pats fell to Baltimore in the AFC Championship on January 20. Though she later apologized, news websites quickly coined her

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Gabriel Marketing Group

While most of us grow up and grow out of the sibling rivalry phase, there can still be some situations well into adulthood that pit us against each other – or at the very least create areas of conflict. I was thinking about this

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Along with countless fellow social media managers and tech junkies around the globe, I was glued to my computer screen (more so than usual) this past Tuesday afternoon at 1pm EST, waiting with bated breath for Facebook’s latest big announcement. Zuckerberg, in his typical

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Gabriel Marketing Group

While many consumers have spent the first two weeks of January getting re-acclimated after holiday time off, exchanging gifts and taking the first steps to deal with their added holiday weight, businesses have been solidifying their budgets, confirming revenue targets and making sure everyone

From the Blog


Rise of the “Gig Economy”

The “Gig Economy,” or the on-demand “sharing” economy, provides so many new ways for consumers to obtain the services they need, while creating even more opportunities for entrepreneurial spirits. Companies like Uber, Online Owls and Handy have embraced this new age of service and are

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What My First “Real-World” Job Has Taught Me

There’s no crash course on preparing for the real world after college (might I add, there should be). It’s pretty much trial by fire – you’re either ready or you’re not. If you would have asked me months ago – right after I graduated college

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