Tag: public relations

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Michiko Morales

Companies working in the tech industry know they rock – whether it’s a hot startup with an entirely new way of solving a persistent problem or a well-established company providing innovative tech products to a multitude of industries. But sometimes, that what-gets-you-out-of-bed-every-morning mission can

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Michael Tebo

High-growth tech companies move fast. They’re changing how we talk to each other and watch TV shows. They’re making it easier for companies to transport products, find employees and modernize their IT infrastructures and business processes. And they’re inventing entirely new ways of doing

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Michiko Morales

Public relations has always been about developing relationships with media influencers and telling clients’ stories to the right audiences in a positive way. It still is – and recent strides in technology bolster these efforts with detailed industry, outlet and audience analytics. PR agencies

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Michiko Morales

A lot can change over the course of a year. You become a year older, a year wiser, you may gain – or hopefully lose – ten pounds, you could retire or you could graduate and begin a new job. That’s where I found

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Michiko Morales

As PR professionals, we’ve all been there – with mile-long to-do lists, it’s often a race against the clock to meet deadlines and get our clients noticed. But how often do we stop to reconsider the subject line of our pitch or find stand-out

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Michiko Morales

Media interviews can be nerve-wracking. But did you know that the fear of public speaking, Glossophobia, is America’s No.1 phobia? Most surprisingly, it’s ranked higher than a fear of death or spiders, which are ranked No. 2 and No. 3, respectively. I’ve experienced it

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Michiko Morales

As a Millennial working at a tech PR agency, it’s been exciting to watch social media grow up with me. In middle school, when I taught myself how to code while building my first Myspace page with flashing graphics and an embedded playlist, I

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Michiko Morales

When it comes to growing a business, many organizations look to either a marketing or public relations strategy to help reach the right audience. The overall goal of both efforts is to increase brand awareness that results in quickly growing your business. More often

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Michiko Morales

Cupid has his arrow pointed high, and we’re all catching the love bug this year, including small businesses. As Valentine’s Day nears, preparations are in order – I’m not talking about a dozen roses, chocolates or candy hearts – rather your social media campaign.

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Michiko Morales

Unless you’re a major automotive manufacturer, beer company or GoDaddy, chances are you can’t afford a Super Bowl ad. Every year, big brands shell out big bucks to get a highly coveted commercial spot during the most watched event in the U.S. annually. Though