Tag: public relations

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Michiko Morales

Twenty minutes.  That’s how long it takes a story to break in today’s ever-connected world. With Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the Internet at large, what used to be a two- to three-hour delay before a story hit is now down to the length of

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Michiko Morales

My introduction to PR came from Samantha Jones. Her job was certainly fabulous – going to parties, meeting celebrities, wearing expensive (and revealing) clothes and drinking cosmos. Of course, PR isn’t always like this. Mostly. There are plenty of myths about PR out there

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Michiko Morales

It’s my favorite time of year – summer blockbuster movie season. I should be ashamed of how much I spend on movie tickets, popcorn and kiddie pool-sized sodas during Hollywood’s High Holy Season. The sum could probably put my non-existent children through a cushy

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Michiko Morales

I can still remember the first “big girl” book I ever received – Beverly Cleary’s Ramona Quimby, Age 8. That little book sparked a lifelong fascination with stories, stories that I’m still eager to absorb today as both a reader and a consumer. A

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Michiko Morales

Heading up a high-growth tech company comes with a unique set of challenges. Identifying and hiring a new PR/marketing firm ranks near the top of that list – after product and service innovation, of course. This single choice could be make or break for

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Michiko Morales

We’ve been lucky at Gabriel Marketing Group (GMG). We’ve grown quickly and steadily, year over year. To be clear, I don’t say that to brag about our success – a lack of humility is a sure fire “jinx” in my worldview, where superstition and

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Michiko Morales

Strong companies are successful because of a) people they have working together toward unified goals and b) how those people work together to reach said goals. Effective communication and teamwork is absolutely essential to running a prosperous company, and collaboration seems to be the

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Here at Gabriel Marketing Group, we’re not typically ones to brag. But as recent events would have it, we’re finding modesty a little more difficult than usual. That’s why we’re taking this opportunity not only to give ourselves a pat on the back, but

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Today is an exciting day at GMG as we announced that the Stevie Awards, Women in Business, has selected both GMG and GMG CEO and Founder Leah Nurik as finalists for two categories, respectively: Company of the Year and Female Entrepreneur of the Year.

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Michiko Morales

This morning I woke up to a slightly snowy Virginia and a complete, complex-wide power outage. We’re talking no power, no heat, no hot water and (GASP!)…NO INTERNET. My first concern was for all of the food I have stored in my freezer and